AFRICA: We represent the best outfitter in South Africa. We personally hunt with them The terrain is varied and very thick in places. It’s thick enough to hold and hide mature trophies. You will hunt self-sustaining populations of wild animals. They are wary, they are challenging and you won’t kill them unless you earn it. And the end of the day, the chef will prepare your harvested game for you! All while amongst great people making deep friendships.
On your hunting safari you will ride in the best vehicles and use the best equipment. Our outfitter will happily provide you with the use of a rifle. You will only pay only an ammunition fee. If you’d prefer, we will help you arrange bringing your guns along. A shuttle to and from the airport is provided. We will be waiting for you when you step off the plane!
If you are an experienced African hunter, then give us a call and let us know what game animals are high on your bucket list. We can accommodate any African species. If you are new to Africa, we will help you every step of the way. We will provide advice on everything from clothing and boots choices, to learning to shoot from a standing position on sticks, to all of the other things that help to make your hunt a success.
We offer a personalized videographer service for your hunt for an additional fee. Often, our cameramen are licensed professional hunters. We will put together footage of your hunt that you will treasure for the rest of your life.
Whether you are experienced in the African bush or you are itching to go conquer it for the first time, Come and enjoy a Den of Adventure African Hunting Safari. We want to meet you and become hunting friends.
Yes! of course bring your family. Ask about our youth hunts. We also offer day trips and tours for you and your family that can be taken during your hunting adventure.
We alos offer trophy Tiger fishing on the Zambezi River.

Our all-inclusive hunting packages are available for everything from first-timer plains game adventures starting at just $4,000 to dangerous game adventures starting at $6,950. THESE ARE some of OUR BASIC AFRICAN HUNTING PACKAGES. WE WILL GLADLY TAILoR THEM TO MEET YOUR HUNTING INTERESTS AND BUDGET.